A Summary Of “It Starts With Us” By Colleen Hoover

When it comes to captivating narratives that tug at the heartstrings, “It Starts with Us” by Colleen Hoover is a name that stands out. In this comprehensive article, we’ll embark on a journey through the pages of this novel, exploring its intricate plot, memorable characters, and underlying themes.

Unraveling the Plot


The novel introduces us to the lives of two protagonists, Lily Bloom and Ryle Kincaid. Their paths unexpectedly intertwine, setting off a series of events that challenge their beliefs, emotions, and the very essence of their beings.

Lily’s Complex Past

Lily’s past is a tapestry of pain and resilience. Growing up with a mother who battled substance abuse, she has learned to guard her heart against the chaos of the world. This early trauma has a profound impact on her decisions and relationships.

Ryle’s Unconventional Approach

Ryle, on the other hand, is a neurosurgeon with a no-strings-attached approach to life. He is rational and factual, believing that emotions are a liability. However, his encounter with Lily disrupts his orderly world, leading to a clash of philosophies.

Characters that Come to Life

Lily Bloom: A Portrait of Strength

Lily is a multidimensional character whose strength shines through her vulnerabilities. Her determination to break the cycle of her family’s struggles and create a better life for herself is commendable.

Ryle Kincaid: Beneath the Surface

Beneath Ryle’s composed exterior lies a tumultuous inner struggle. His transformation throughout the story showcases the complexities of human nature and the power of self-discovery.

Atlas Corrigan: The Ghost of the Past

Atlas, a pivotal character from Lily’s past, reenters her life unexpectedly. His presence stirs emotions and memories that have long been buried, prompting both Lily and readers to question the paths they’ve chosen.

Themes that Resonate

Love and Vulnerability

The novel delves into the idea that love requires vulnerability. Both Lily and Ryle learn that embracing their emotions and allowing themselves to be vulnerable is essential for authentic connections.

Healing and Forgiveness

As the characters grapple with their pasts, the themes of healing and forgiveness take center stage. The journey towards self-forgiveness and reconciling with past mistakes is a poignant aspect of the narrative.

Plot Twists and Turns

A Rollercoaster of Emotions

Colleen Hoover masterfully employs plot twists that evoke strong emotional responses from readers. From heartwarming moments to gut-wrenching decisions, the narrative keeps us on the edge of our seats.

Exploring Ethical Dilemmas

The story raises ethical questions, especially regarding the choices characters make. This provides readers with ample material for self-reflection and philosophical contemplation.

Lily vs. Ryle’s Character Arcs

AspectLily BloomRyle Kincaid
Approach to LoveCautiously seeks love due to past traumaInitially avoids emotional attachments
Personal GrowthOvercomes hardships to create a better lifeLearns to confront emotions and embrace vulnerability
Relationship withTumultuous due to past experiences and present strugglesStruggles with reconciling past actions

Exploring the Author’s Craft

Emotional Resonance

Colleen Hoover’s writing style captivates readers by evoking profound emotions. Her ability to convey the characters’ feelings and inner turmoil in relatable ways adds depth to the narrative.

Dialogues that Speak Volumes

The dialogues in the novel are not mere exchanges of words; they are windows into the characters’ souls. They reveal unspoken truths and give insight into the complexities of relationships.

Colleen Hoover signing a book

The Impact and Legacy

Cultivating Thought-Provoking Discussions

“It Starts with Us” goes beyond being a mere work of fiction; it serves as a catalyst for meaningful discussions. Readers find themselves engaged in conversations about love, choices, and the complexities of human relationships.

Empowering Readers

The novel empowers readers by showing the transformative power of self-awareness and personal growth. Lily and Ryle’s journeys remind us that acknowledging our vulnerabilities and striving for growth are essential for living fulfilling lives.

A Lasting Impression

Colleen Hoover’s storytelling lingers in the minds of readers long after the final page. The characters’ struggles and triumphs resonate, offering comfort and inspiration to those navigating their own challenges.

Continuing Relevance

Years after its publication, “It Starts with Us” remains relevant. Its exploration of intricate emotions and ethical dilemmas continues to captivate new generations of readers, solidifying its status as a modern classic.


“It Starts with Us” is a literary masterpiece that navigates the complexities of love, vulnerability, and healing. Colleen Hoover’s storytelling prowess shines through as she crafts a narrative that leaves a lasting impact on the reader.


1. What genre does “It Starts with Us” belong to?

 “It Starts with Us” falls under the contemporary romance and women’s fiction genres.

2. Are there any trigger warnings for sensitive content? 

Yes, the novel addresses sensitive topics such as domestic abuse and trauma.

3. Can I expect a satisfying ending from the story? 

The ending offers a mix of emotions, providing closure while allowing room for interpretation.

4. Is this book suitable for young adult readers? 

The content is geared more towards adult readers due to its mature themes.

5. Does the story primarily focus on romance? 

While romance is a significant aspect, the novel also delves into themes of personal growth and self-discovery.